Saturday, September 8, 2007

Spring 2007 - Teletubbies to Porch

One of the two lemon. I'm loving having lemon and soda water. Huge storms a few weeks back downed many trees and branches, resulting in piles of mulch. I'd get more from the Council nursery if it was feasible to carry it on pushbike. The small plant at the back is a Gymea Lily and native to the Sydney Basin. One day, it should have a flower on a 5 metre stem. Very Dr Who. The Tellytubby is Boulee's. He likes to grab the antennae in his mouth and shake, whacking himself with Po's body and making a right dickhead of himself.  

This is dog bliss - a massive frontyard that goes for kilometres. It's a pity about the road in between. It's also a damn fine spot to sit and have a bevvy. All hail the porch. I often see old Greek men and woman sitting on their porches, and now we can do it. Very civilised. May have to grow some nasal hairs to look the part. It's a pity that so much contemporary architecture ignores any relationship between house and street to the detriment of any community interaction. It seems as if many people now prefer total privacy and never use balconies and porches, but then again there are so many balconies that are llittle more than a shelf. And keeping with Fedeterannea, the mixmatch of pots.  

It was literally right out the front of here a few Sundays ago that a guy was run over. Soccer was on in the park, and from inside we heard a long skid and a loud thump. I didn't think it was a person, but it was the sound of metal and flesh. The poor guy was lying on the road (just behind the van) and was trying to get up, but couldn't. He had a little blood on his face, but at least he was conscious. When the ambulance arrived, one of the ambos nonchalantly looked at the guy on the road and went to inspect the car first. It seemed strange at the time, but it makes sense as the car damage will reflect the extent and location of injuries. The guy is lucky that there was a long skid first. 

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